Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day07 - Model Making

The first thing the class did is to check the detailed work they had yesterday such as the site map and the site section.

Then from drawing exercises today's task is to use clay to make models as a design tool. They are put again into groups to come up with a final design for presentation.

James dividing the clay. He said that clay is a physical way to communicate with each other and there is no language barrier. They can easily express themselves just by molding. Their end design needs to follow three scales:
1. What is this project about to them as designers?
2. What is this project about to the community of Puerto Prinsesa?
3. What is this project mean about living across the Pacific?

They are ready to get dirty.

Students goofing around before the hard work.

The artistic hands of the designers.

A rough site model.

James and Kyle listening to one of the presentation.

During their break, some roam around and found a unique kind of flower growing around the vicinity of the site.

They also had a fantastic view of the church.

James doing his own sketch.

Heavy rain started to pour late in the afternoon but the design presentation still continues.

Top view of one of the model design.

eye level

Proud designers

In the end, after all have presented, James and Kyle said that they are very proud of the hard work the students had given on this and the impressive designs. They remind them that they are all designers evolving. That they came here in the Philippines with a purpose and they are very much ready to change the world.