Friday, July 30, 2010

DAY 17 (July 28 2010): Comfortably Windy

Today was rainy and stormy from the morning, so after the breakfast, we divided into two teams: one would go to the site and do some light work, two would stay at the dormitory and make clay tiles to be put in the park.

Making the clay tiles

At around 12:00PM, we all arrived at the site. By then, the sky had cleared out and we had some of the most beautiful and comfortable weather since we came here.

Lunch was almost like Japanese stle Sukiyaki with beef and vegetables.

After lunch, the women divers (who owned and operated the restaurant at which we have been eating lunch everyday) gave us some insights about what it is like to be women divers. It was a little surprising to know that there are some men divers (1% of the total divers, if I remember correctly).

In the afternoon, we went back to work until 6PM. Made lots of cement, moved stones, built on the spiral, established more vertical pieces in the Pearl portion of the park, etc. The weather was very beautiful with quite strong wind and occasional blue sky.

Professor Ko

Russian men working

Panda mask murdered (by KK)

The blogger's second job

This is Garrett's personally trained dinosaur. It's very cute.

I'm starting to see the final results of this construction.

Dinner was chicken soup with rice and ginseng again (one of the not-so-spicy Korean foods, which I appreciate a lot). I wonder if we have eaten all or most Korean or Jeju cuisine…

Mikey and Piglet


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