Friday, July 23, 2010

DAY 11 (July 22 2010): Concrete and Cement

Today was a big HOT day since we were getting the concrete/cement into the bases we made. One of them was almost done yesterday, so we worked on it some more to finish it. The other one was completely untouched, so we started out from scratch.

Wheel barrels, ready to go!

Carrying the generator is a bitch work. No, really.

Our flag and bus. Grand.

Hammer it!!

Measure it!!

Panda at work

Cut it!!

Hold it!!

Cow at work!!

Smoke it!!

Put on protection. Always.

The truck driver JH

Tie it!!


Lunch was at the same place (owned and operated by women divers), but the food was actually very Korean. We had bibimbap! I drank about seventeen cups of water just for the record.

In the afternoon came the tank-rollers with concrete. This was probably the toughest task we have ever done so far. We had to even out the cement poured from the corner. But the cement will get hard within two to three hours, so we were fighting against time as much as the difficult work itself. In total we had eight tank-rollers filling up our bases for the park.

Afternoon nap!

Afternoon drag

Here comes the concrete!


Shovel it!!

Smoothe it!!

Working on the second base

Let's see the results!

Before (Base 1)

After (Base 1)!!

Before (base 2)

After (base 2)!!

PRP =3

I didn’t get a chance to take a picture but a scooter with two women (not with us) crashed into the pile of stones we created on the side of the road. The ladies were okay, but the bike was visibly damaged with the mirror ripped off and the part where you put your feet shattered. It’s good that no one got hurt.

Dinner was Korean style Sukiyaki. Basically, we put a bunch of mushrooms, vegetables and noodles into a boiling pot of broth. When they are cooked enough, we just pick and eat. The broth was so good with all the juice from the ingredients.

Good restaurant?!



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